
Portal Network

Access the minutes and presentations of all meetings ever held by the portals network of the Atlantic Forest Great Reserve:

Joining Forces

The structuring of a tourist destination based on a restorative economy is a major challenge that involves several actors in the Atlantic Forest Great Reserve territory, and the adoption of the Collective Impact methodology and its strategic approach of intersectoral collaboration, is opportune for complex scenarios where individual initiatives are important, but insufficient to address the problem to be solved.

The initiative works to encourage and catalyze the organization of groups that meet the cultural, structural, environmental, and social characteristics of each location. To facilitate the discussions, the territory was subdivided into Sectors and Portals, micro-regions that correspond to distinct regional delimitations, identified by their tourism vocation/potential, through which visitors can access natural, cultural, and historical attractions. The delimitation and naming of the Portals in each Sector is done based on a collective effort during meetings with local stakeholders. Thus, the Atlantic Forest Great Reserve promotes a trellis of partnerships and joint work, which extends from the communities to broader regional actions.


The establishment of the Portals Network of the Atlantic Forest Great Reserve represents the creation of a collaborative platform, which facilitates and stimulates joint actions involving representatives from the most diverse fields and also from different regions, who until then did not see possibilities for joining forces.

This group includes public institutions, private companies, civil society organizations, and individuals who work to promote a sustainable development, always on a voluntary basis. The activities of all members are horizontal, without hierarchical levels, where everyone is equally considered. These are organizations and individuals who articulate themselves in a collaborative process based on a common vision:

“The Atlantic Forest Great Reserve recognized nationally and internationally as a tourist destination guided by nature conservation and cultural and historical appreciation.”

The Network has no directors or particular spokespersons. The deliberations, when necessary, are taken in collective meetings in which consensus is always sought. Everyone is a potential speaker for the initiative, and the group also encourages leadership actions from its members. The periodic meetings are the main space for articulation and deliberation, as well as the various Working Groups, created by demand of the members to advance on specific matters.

One of the key elements of the whole process was the establishment of a Charter of Principles, which brings together the main ideals that unite these members in search of sustainable development for the region. In this way, the organizations and individuals who are invited or request to join must agree with the following items:

I. Share the same objectives as the Portals Network regarding the dissemination and promotion of natural and cultural heritage conservation and sustainable tourism development;

II. Subscribe to the Charter of Principles, committing to abide by it;

III. Have the agreement of all the organizations and individuals that are part of the Portals Network.

All members of the Portals Network represent positive examples to be emulated in their own communities, and should be valued and recognized for their actions. They are also responsible for establishing and, whenever possible, improving the quality of the services and products being offered.

The Charter of Principles is not intended to segregate people or institutions interested in collaborating with the Atlantic Forest Great Reserve. It is a guiding document, indicating a feasible path so that all members can act, individually or collectively, in the same direction.


If your municipality is within this territory, you cannot miss the opportunity to be a part of this Network. In order to become a tourist destination of the Atlantic Forest Great Reserve, it is important that the following commitments are prioritized:

– Creation and/or strengthening of the Environment and Tourism Secretariats;

– Creation and/or strengthening of the municipal councils of Environment and Tourism;

– Structure natural attractions and adopt the visual identity of the Atlantic Forest Great Reserve in the signaling of these sites;

– Set up a tourist assistance center with information about services and about the natural heritage;

– Raise funds for the restoration and preservation of the municipal historic heritage;

– Join the instances of governance of tourism;

– Promote training for businessmen and entrepreneurs;

– Encouraging businesses of social impact and in nature conservation;

– Collaborate directly with the implementation of Portals in the Sectors of the Atlantic Forest Great Reserve to strengthen local businesses;

– Implementation of the Municipal Plan for the Atlantic Forest – PMMA.


We are here to help you. It will be a pleasure to tell you a little more about this initiative and to have your municipality committed to us, being part of this development and promotion network of the Atlantic Forest Great Reserve.

Click here to see the Membership Letter






– Antonina
– Guarakessaba
– Guaratuba
– Morretes
– Piraquara
– Quatro Barras

– Garuva
– Jaraguá do Sul
– São Francisco do Sul
– Schroeder

– Barra do Turvo
– Cananéia
– Ilha Comprida
– Iporanga
– Piedade
– Ribeirão Grande
– Sete Barras
– Tapiraí

“​Welcome to the largest well-preserved
continuum of Atlantic Forest in the World”.





